

Biokinergie is a touch oriented method that was developed in France by Michel Lidoreau about 30 years ago.  This technique comes from principle of Osteopathy and Chinese medicine.

Its objective is to go back to the origin of the imbalance that affect the efficiency of the body functions.  It involves in the same process muscle relaxation, joint blockage release and stimulate acupuncture points.

The basic principle is that the body reacts to traumas (may it be physical, energetic, mental, emotional of spiritual) by creating windings in facias (soft tissues that envelop muscles and organs).  The biokinergy practitioner’s goal is then to liberate those windings by working on the facias, the muscles, the joints and the natural movements of organs.  He/she the energy flow by eliminating the windings at acupuncture points and stimulate the body to autocorrect itself.

Biokinergy may be oriented toward the more therapeutic aspect of the touch, but it brings relaxation and a well being sensation as profound as any traditional massage technique.

A Biokinergie session is done with your clothes on.